Sunday, March 31, 2019
Business Ethics And Corporate Responsibility Marketing Essay
Business Ethics And Corporate Responsibility merchandise EssayDescribe the basic features that distinguish the three traditional forms of wrinkle ownership mend proprietarys, command confederacys and C corporations.Sole proprietorship is a communication channel that is owned and issued by unity individual. Earnings of the comp either argon treated as income and debts that arise be personalised debts. It is the well-nigh customary type of blood line organization in United States. commonplace partnership In this type of calling every partners pack even off to recruit in management of the fuddled and sh ar whatsoever(prenominal) gains or losses. There is no limit on exit of partners totally if ordinarily its two.C corporation is a legal entity, separate and distinct from its owners. Its owned by stockholders. Its mission and objective be shited by control panel of directors and bestride of directors is selected by stockholders to protect their interests.C omp argon and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships and general partnerships.Both ar easy to form, throw away tax advantages, and un especial(a) indebtedness.General partnership has a stronger financial base than sole proprietorship.On the a nonher(prenominal) hand, general partnership sight be destroyed much easier than sole proprietorship becaexercising of disagreements between partners. Anformer(a) disadvantage in sole proprietorship is that workload and responsibilities are on one person while in partnership its shared.What advantages help explain wherefore virtually all mammoth companies are organized as C corporations?Corporations nates raise submitable amount of financial detonatorIts easy for stockholders to withdraw from ownership or sell shares of stockStockholders have restrain liability. They are not personally liable for the debts of the come with.What stairs are involved in outset a general corporation?Requires filing form calle d the articles of incorporation, with a precise democracy agency.Pay filling fees and establish corporal bylaws-basic the basic rules g everywherening how a corporation is organized and how it manages its business.Companies in like manner choose corporation brotherly states, beca hire not all states are friendly and charge a spile of coin.How is a corporations board of directors chosen? relieve the mathematical function the board plays in a corporations management. According to corporate bylaws stockholders elect board of directors that they rely on to manage social club and protect their interests.Board of directors establishes the corporations mission and sets its broad objectives.Board of directors wherefore assigns the chief of executive officer and other corporate officers to manage company.Explain how S corporations, statutory closed corporations, and nonprofit corporations differ from C corporations.S corporation IRS does not tax earning separately, pot have no to a greater extent than 100 stockholders, for to each one(prenominal) one stockholder have to be U.S. citizen or perm resident.Statutory close corporation Doesnt have to elect a board of directors or hold annual stockholders meetings, number of stockholders are special to 50, stockholders slang sell their shares to public without first offering to existing owners, not all states allow this type of corporation.Nonprofit corporation Has members but not stockholders, dropnot convey funds to a semipolitical campaign, must keep accurate records, wage are exempt from federal and state income, work out tax minus for individuals who contribute money or property.What are the three different types of corporate mergers? What is the rationale for each type?Horizontal merger junto of firms in the same industry.Vertical merger Combination of companies with buyer-seller relationship.Conglomerate merger Combination of unrelated companies.Compare an S corporation with a limited liabilit y company. wherefore do you hark stake limited liability companies are currently more popular than S corporations?While S corporation has limited numbers of owners, Limited Liability Company can have any number of owners. Un interchangeable S corporation, owners of LLC can be foreign investors and other corporations.What is a business format franchise? What are the contributions of the franchisor and franchisee in this order of battle?Business format franchise is an agreement in which the franchisee pays for the right to use the name, trademark and has to operate business according to the rules and principles of franchisor.Franchisor is owner and has to train and house support franchisee responsible for name score recognition.Franchisee- has right to use franchisors name, trademarks, and patents must follow methods and all the rules of franchisor attend training meetingsWhat are the main advantages and disadvantages of franchising arrangements for the franchisee? For the fr anchisor?Advantages for franchisee less(prenominal) risk, training and support from franchisor, easier to borrow money from a bank in honourableices for franchisee cost are very high, very little control, have to sell single what company sells, risk-not all companies live to their promises, nonplusth altercatesAdvantages for franchisor can expand the business to pull in extra revenue without using own money.Disadvantages for franchisor irresponsible office of franchisee cans cost companies success.Chapter SevenSmall Business and EntrepreneurshipEconomic Rocket provokeReview QuestionsReview the benefits an entrepreneur might seek in starting a saucy business. Which benefits are well-nigh appealing to you? why?greater financial success, independence, flexibility, challenge, survival.The benefits that appeal to me are independence, flexibility, and financial success.Do you recognize any of the entrepreneurial personality characteristics in yourselves? Which ones? Do you look i ts possible for a person to develop the characteristics that he or she lacks? Why or why not?Yes, I have few of entrepreneurial personality characteristics and they are self-reliance, confidence, energy, and tolerance of failure.I guess it is hard but possible for a person to develop skills he or she lacks. It all depends on how no- near(a) that person wants to get a line saucily skills that she or she doesnt have.What case does failure sometimes play in entrepreneurial success? What can an entrepreneur attain from failure?Entrepreneurs see failure as a chance to learn and succeed.Compare the opportunities and affrights that footling businesses face. Which opportunities are close stimulate? Which threats are most intimidating? Why?Opportunities Market niches, personal costumer helper, lower command processing all overhead time costs, engine room.Threats High risk of failure, lack of knowl march on and experience, too little money, bigBigger regulatory burden, higher h ealth insurance costs.Opportunity that oblige is personal customer receipts be casing with it minuscular business owner can build personal relationship with a customer. Another opportunity that is compelling is lower overhead costs because no one wants to spend coarse amount of money and wants to spend as less as possible.The biggest threat that is intimidating is high risk of failure. When someone starts a business, he or she wants to succeed and not to fail. People are scared ofloosing even if they are tolerant to failure. Those that tolerant to failure dont give easily up like others do.Review the definition of niche marketer, and cite three examples of niche marketers. How has technology takeed niche merchandise?Market niche is a small segment of a market with fewer competitors than the market as a whole and tend to be more attractive to small firms. total cosmetics, Google, E-bay.Technology plays very classical role today, because internet helped citizenry to blossom n ew businesses and at the same time create more customers. It is nigh(a) for businesses because they spend less money and grow faster.If you were to launch a new business, would you start from scratch, buy an established independent business, or buy a franchise? Why?I would launch a new business from a scratch. I know there are a lot of risks but I would want to be my own boss and make my decisions.How could you convince family and friends to support your new business launch? What kind of assurances would they pauperization? What could you do to keep the funding relationships professional?First of all I would educate myself, learn from others, gain experience, and the most all important(p) create a business plan.Beyond personal resources, what are other funding options for small businesses? Why dont more entrepreneurs tap into these resources?Bank loans, angel investors, and venture capital firms.The reason that entrepreneurs are trying to avoid other resources besides personal i s because they cause more headaches. Personal resources are probably the easiest to deal with.What are the key contributions of small business to the U.S. economy? Rank the benefits in scathe of importance, and suffer the reasons for your ranking.Small businesses play very important role in U.S. economy because they create new jobs, create new bases at double the rate of their big business counterparts, and they tend to find opportunities by offering crossroads or services where big companies dont.What factors account for the dramatic differences in entrepreneurship judge around the world? Do you hazard entrepreneurship pass on continue to grow worldwide? Why or why not?Key factors that plays important role in different entrepreneurship rates around the world are national per capita income, entrepreneurs opportunity costs, and how much cultural and political environment supports entrepreneurs.Chapter eleven tradeBuilding Profitable Connections with Your CustomerReview Questi onsHow does the American Marketing Association define merchandise? How can marketers deliver value to their customers over the coarse term?The American Association defines marketing as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ship canal that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.In order to deliver value to customers over the long term marketers must to fill customers need and in the way exceed customers expectations.What are the four different kinds of gain that marketers can provide? Give an example (not from the book) of a carrefour that delivers each type of utility. cast of characters utility iPhoneTime utility Walgreens 24/7Place utility Cafeteria on campusOwnership utility LaptopWhat are the key categories of non-traditional marketing? Do you expect these areas to grow over the next decade? Why or why not?People, place, event, and idea marketing.I cogitate that these areas go out grow over decade because peoples interests change with each generation. Technology also changes and grows.How has marketing evolved over time? How have current events, economics, and culture figure outd opinion slightly marketing?Marketing developed through different phases ware era, selling era, marketing era, and relationship era.During marketing era concept of marketing was born and now its growing more and more. Now, customer satisfactions became centerpiece of marketing.What are the key characteristics of a high potential engineer market? Is the biggest conduct market always the best? Why or why not?Size need to have enough people to support business. favorableness allowingness of a customer to pay more than the cost of producing product.Accessibility target unavoidably to be reachableLimited competition look for markets with limited competitionI think that bigger market is always good because there are more people to support business a nd bring more profit to the company. Company can also use that money to build bigger target market by creating new products.What are the different ways to segment a consumer market? Does it make moxie to use more than one segmentation variable? Why or why not?Demographic dividing market based on peoples age, income, ethnicity, and gender.geographic dividing market into smaller groups depending where costumers live.Psychographic dividing by groups based on costumer interests, values, attitudes, and lifestyles. behavioral dividing into groups based on how people react to the productsIt does make sense to use more than one segmentation, for example, demographic and psychographic.Describe the four parts of the marketing fuse. What role does each element play in delivering value to customers?Product dodging creating name, product image, package design, customer service, guarantees, new product development, and much more. set schema monetary value must be fairDistribution strategy de livering a product to the right people, in the right quantities, at the right time and place.Promotion strategy find effective way to support product.All of these four elements play very important role in delivering value to customer.What are the five key dimensions of the marketing environment? How can marketers stay abreast of changes in each area?Competitive, economic, social/cultural, technological, political/legal.To stay on top of the things marketers must monitor each element of marketing environment and respond quickly and efficiently to change.Outline the steps in the consumer decision-making process. How can the marketer influence each step? science recognize needInformation Search previous experience with brands, family, friends military rank of Alternatives price, character referencePurchase decision buys item because it was on sale and rejoin policy is greatPost purchase behavior satisfied or notMarketer can influence each step by learning cultural, social, personal, and psychological life of customers.What are the key differences between first and secondary entropy? Compare the benefits and drawbacks of each. vicarious selective information is existing data that marketers gather or purchase for a re attempt project. Primary data is new data that marketers gather for a specific research project.Secondary data Advantages- low costDisadvantages- may not meet specific need, outdated, available to competitorsPrimary data Advantages-customized to meet specific need, fresh and new, not available to anyoneDisadvantages-more expensiveChapter TwelveProduct StrategyDelivering More orderReview QuestionsReview the marketing definition of product. Why do you think marketers define product so broadly? How does the definition of product affect theatrical role?Product is anything that company offers to satisfy customers needs and wants including both goods and services.I think marketers define product so broadly because it is made for one purpose only- to satisfy customer, whether its a good or service. So, when consumer buys a product he or she buys attributes associated with the product.If a product satisfies customer its good quality for that customer and if customer dissatisfied by product than its bad quality for him or her.Think of three different services that you use on a regular basis (e.g. a restaurant, a dental office). How does the service provider suggest in advance that the service will be high quality?Restaurant advertisement, friendly staffHair hairdresser nicely designed salon, professional lookDental office friendly and helpful staffPureGoodsPureServiceDraw a goods and services spectrum, and discover where to place the following products along the spectrum a nightclub, a new motor wheel around, a designer dress line, an Internet search engine, a new snowboard, and a picture taking class. What are the reasons for your choices?new motor round designer shoe store internet search enginenew snowboard night club phot ography classNew motorcycle and snowboard are pure goods.Designer shoe store and night club are service with goods.Internet search engine and photography class are pure service.What are the marketing benefits of identifying the unfeigned product, the core product, and the augmented product?Actual product the actual product itself and its uniquenessCore product satisfies customers needsAugmented product checkitional good or service to sharpen competitive edge (warrantees, manuals, etc.)List five examples of products that are commonly purchased as either business products or consumer products. How would the potpourri impact the marketing strategy?Computer, phone, table, truck, cleaning serviceConsumer products purchased for personal use and business products purchased to produce another product or service.Consumer classifications are convenience product, shopping products, specialty, products, and unsought products.Business product classification are installations accessory equipme nt maintenance, repair, and operating products raw materials components and processed materials and business services.Why are product line and product commix decisions so important? What are the risks of making poor decisions regarding these factors?Product line and product mix are very important if company wants to make good profit by making customer happy.Poor decision regarding these factors might cause company to loose its profits.Would it ever make sense for a firm to offer a new product line that they know would cannibalize an existing line? Explain your resolvent.I dont think it make any sense, especially if company knows that that new product line will cannibalize existing line why even create it. Company can loose a lot of money.Think of one of your favorite brand names. Does the brand name fit the characteristics of an excellent name? Do you think it matters? Why or why not?100% Pure. Yes, I think brand name fits characteristics of an excellent name because its short and easy to remember.I do not think its a must for a company to fit characteristics of an excellent name because another company I unfeignedly like called Dr. Hauschka. The name is hard to pronounce and hard to memorize but I love Dr. Hauschka products.What are the three different levels of product innovation? Which is most common? Can a business survive long term with only uninterrupted innovation? Why or why not?Discontinuous Innovation, dynamically continuous innovation, continuous innovation.I think that most common are continuous innovation and dynamically continuous innovation.I think it is possible to survive long term with only continuous innovation because the goal of it to create product better than competitor. For example, Lifeway kefir company its getting better and better adding more products different flavors and so on.What are the four stages of the product life cycle? How does product life cycle stage impact marketing strategy?Introduction, Growth, Maturity, DeclineL ife cycle help marketers plan effective strategies for existing products and identify profitable categories for new products.Chapter ThirteenDistribution and Pricing obligation Product, Right Person, Right Place, Right PriceReview QuestionsExplain the difference between channel of diffusion and physical scattering.Channel distribution is the path that a product takes from the manufacturer to the consumer, while physical distribution is the actual movement of products that path.Explain the role of channel intermediaries in the product distribution process. Why is their role important?Channel intermediaries are distribution organizations that help to move products from factories to the consumers.How do intermediaries add value to the products they distribute? have an example of a distributor that adds each of the six types of utility.They add value by reducing the number of transactions and the associated costs required for goods to flow from producer to consumer. Distributors a lso can add form, time, place, ownership, information, and service utilities.Wal-MartWhat is the key difference between merchant wholesalers and agents/brokers? What are the risks and benefits of each feeler for producers?Merchant wholesalers take legal title to the goods they distribute and castrate the risk for producer that the products might be damaged or stolen. Disadvantage for producers is that marketing strategies and price belong to wholesaler. Agents and brokers dont take legal ownership of the goods they distribute. Since agents and brokers dont have legal ownership of goods, producers at higher risk, but they have more control over the product.Do you think that the shoppertainment approach to retailing will continue to grow? Why or why not?Yes, I defiantly think that shopping and entertainment approach to retailing will continue to grow because its more fun for people to go to places where they can have fun or their kids. Even if prices are going to go up, people will still to come to such(prenominal) places. Even I want to go to places like Hershey Chocolate World.Explain the differences among intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution strategies. Name an example of each that isnt listed in the text.Intensive distribution involves placing products in as numerous stores as possible or stores themselves in many locations as possible.(gas stations)Selective distribution means placing product only in preferred stores and establishing stores in limited locations.(Home Depot)Exclusive distribution means establish one retail outlet in a given area.(Ikea)Who benefits most from collaborative supply range relationships? Explain your answer.Companies that specialize in circumstances other companies manage the supply chain. Many companies turned to supply chain to build a competitive edge but due to tortuousness many firms choose to outsource challenge to experts.Why is price such a difficult variable for marketers to control? What factors must th ey consider in setting prices?Price is hard for marketers to control because people have limited amount of money, so they cant set high prices. The prices have to be as low as possible so that people would be willing to buy, but at the same time marketers, when determining the net price, must consider their costs, competitors, investors, taxes, and product strategies.Building profitability, boosting tidy sum, matching the competition, creating prestige capricious volume is a key pricing objective for many businesses. Find an example of a marketer that uses each of the volume oriented pricing strategies. Do you think this approach is effective? Why or why not?I dont know any marketer that uses each of the volume oriented pricing strategies. I do not think that this approach would be effective.How does a breakeven analysis help marketers determine the best price for their products? What other factors should be considered? Why?Its a process that helps determine the number of units co mpany must sell to cover all costs.At breakeven depict company doesnt make any profit so, breakeven analysis helps marketers get a sense where are they standing. So, to make a profit company needs consider factors raise prices, decrease variable costs, decrease fixed costs.Chapter cardinalMarketing Promotion Delivering High-Impact MessagesReview QuestionsHow has marketing promotion evolved over the bygone decade? How has technology contributed to the changes?Promotion is marketing communication that influences consumers by informing, persuading, and reminding them about product. The effective promotion builds strong relationship between customers and companies, drawing customers back to the company again and again.Technology has empowered consumers to choose how and when they want to move with media.Why is integrated marketing communication such a challenge for marketers? How can marketers encourage teamwork and coordination?Because consumers combine messages from all sources to form unified characterisation of a product and marketer cant control every manipulate consumer sees or hears about their product.Solid teamwork must begin from the top. Everyone who manages the marketing massage needs to have information about the customer, the product, the competition, the market, and the strategy of the organization. When all parties have access to the same data, they are more likely to be on the same page.Do you think a rational or an activated premise works better for marketing promotion? Why? Does your answer change across product categories? Use examples to support your perspective.I think that both rational and emotional premise works for marketing promotion, its just depends on the product. Its more interesting when both are there and people like humor.Why are the key risks and the potential rewards of product post in both movies and television? Do think this promotional peter will continue to grow? Why or why not?What ethical issues have emerged as m arketers explore new ways of grabbing consumer watchfulness? Use examples to support your points.Do you think that cable television publicizing spending will eventually eclipse network television publicize spending? Why or why not?Given that each type of media offers strengths and drawbacks, what factors should you consider in developing a media plan for a specific product?What are the advantages and disadvantages of publicity? Is it ethical for marketers to try to influence the media? Explain your answer.What are the six stages in the selling process? What role does each stage play? Which stage do you believe is most important? Why?How can you determine the right promotional mix for a specific good or service? What key factors should you consider?
Summary Of The Power And The Glory English Literature Essay
Summary Of The Power And The Glory English Literature maskI am a poorly non-Christian priest and a regretful man (Greene 126). In Graham Greenes The Power and the Glory, the main character, an unidentified priest, admits that he is a bragging(a) priest. The reader first encounters the priest when the priest is waiting for a boat to Vera Cruz because he is on the run from the police. The novel takes place during a time when the state is trying to eliminate Catholicism. At first, the priest expects equivalent a devoted Catholic who is just trying to spread his faith and help others. However, the priest does not set out the greatest example for bronco buster Catholics in fact, Greene some times even refers to him as a whiskey priest. He spends a lot of time in a state of self-pity. He examines his decisions and actions and realizes that he is in a state of mortal infract however, he does nothing to change his situation. Not only does he have an alcoholic drink addiction, a lone he also commits adultery. By the end of the novel the priest grows in his own relationship with God however, he does not set a good luxuriant example for other Catholics. A priest should sieve to give guidance and assistance to others, especially during a time when politics are trying to eradicate religion. Although the priest seems to grow strongly in his faith by the end of the novel, he exemplifies a bad priest.throughout the novel, the priest admits to himself and others that he has committed grave sins however, he does not render to correct his mistakes. Early on, Graham Greene reveals that the priest commits adultery about sextuplet years prior to the novels setting. This grave sin results in Brigitta, the priests illegitimate young lady. When referring to his act of adultery he admits that fear and despair and half a store of brandy and the sense of loneliness had driven him to an act which horrified him (Greene 66). Although he knows he has done misuse, the pri est cannot stop thinking about his illegitimate daughter all through the novel. When his execution is imminent, he finds that he cannot aby for this sin. In addition, his love for his daughter leaves him incapable of praying for anyone else, but in the moment of collection he switched back to his childand he knew it was for her only that he prayed (Greene 208). His sin distracts him from his priestly duties, and he is unable to ask for presumptioness. The priest also has a very noticeable drinking problem in fact, other characters sometimes refer to him as the whiskey priest. He frequently carries a feeding bottle of brandy while he is on the run from the authorities. When he must neglect a boat to Vera Cruz to help a son and his mother, he says, pass around me the brandy, and then he takes a long pull at it (Greene 17). The priest drinks a substantial amount of brandy before tending to a anxious(p) woman. It seems that he needs alcohol to help him continue his priestly duties a priest should not need alcohol to help him follow his duties. He continues to drink excessively, even on the day before the authorities act him without thinking what he is doing, he takes another drink of brandy (Greene 207). The priest realizes that he has a drinking problem however, he does not attempt to name it, and he continues drinking until the morning of his execution. A whiskey priest that cannot repent for committing adultery is not a good priest.When the priest performs a good deed, he usually does so with reluctance he acts as though someone is forcing him to carry out a good deed. When a boy asks the priest to help his dying mother, he does not want to go, but he gets up as though unwillingly he has been summoned to an occasion he cannot pass by (Greene 16). Reluctantly, as if he has no choice, the priest agrees to stick to the boy back to his house. As he leaves he says, It always seems to happen. standardised this this implies that he always seems to get pulled back to his priestly duties unwillingly (Greene 16). The rallying cry always indicates that the priest has responded to a similar situation in the same manner. It is good that the priest ultimately decides to help the boy however, it does not seem very priest- identical to be so reluctant when a situation like this occurs. The whiskey priest sometimes finds himself thinking that he has made the wrong decision in becoming a fugitive. At times, he thinks that it whitethorn have been more beneficial to follow sire Joses example and cease to the states demands. Near the end of the book, when the lieutenant captures him, the priest begins to think about the nuisance that is in store for him, and wonders if it is too late for him to renounce his priesthood like Padre Jose. He mulls over the fact that the authorities have not given him a chance to renounce his faith perhaps if he suggested it himself, he would escape yet (Greene 209). The priest regrets refusing the states conditions regarding his faith. It is good that the priest evades hold up and attempts to help people however, he does so reluctantly, which gives the impression that he takes no joy in helping others if it is inconvenient for him.Regardless of the spiritual realizations that the unnamed priest has, his actions and decisions indicate that he is a bad priest. He sets a bad example for anyone that seeks to him for guidance he even admits this multiple times throughout the novel. He is far from being an exemplary priest, which is someone that that observes his vows and follows the commandments. It is impossible, of course, to be perfect however, the priest makes a weak attempt at being a good priest. He has a unvaried sense of self-pity and uselessness. He even refers to himself as a bad priest and a bad man. After recognizing his sins of drinking and adultery, he should be able to submit altogether to God and repent. His illegitimate child prevents him from asking forgiveness for committin g adultery, and he does not even attempt to stop drinking. Although he tries to perform his priestly functions whenever possible, his constant sin sets a bad example for people who might look to martyrs for inspiration. The woman who the priest has an affair with says, Suppose you die. Youll be a martyr, substance abuse you? What kind of a martyr do you think youll make? Its enough to make people mock (Greene 79). The unnamed man sets a bad example for others and is a bad priest.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Consumer Buying Behaviour: Chocolate
Consumer Buying Behaviour ChocolateThe project universe a part of TY.B.B.A curriculum had to be carried extinct to reach an outline of short letter Research Methods (BRM) by conducting look establish project in the organization. The research was conducted onconsumer buying behaviour while purchasing cocoa. Questionnaires were filled by the cusumers at the at the different congeals.Marketer. Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, wherefore to purchase, from where to purchase, and how much to purchase. In order to acquire a successful marketer, he moldiness know the liking or disliking of the customers. He must also know the time and the cadence of graves and assistances, a consumer may purchase, so that he may store the goods or interpret the services correspond to the likings of the consumers. G sensation atomic number 18 the days when the concept of market was let the buyers bew be or when the market was mainly the sellers market. Now the firm conc ept of consumers sovereignty prevails. The manu occurrenceurers bugger off and the sellers sell whatever the consumer sames. In this sense, consumer is the imperative in the market.As consumers, we play a very vital eccentric in the health of the economy local, national or international. The decision we marker concerning our use behavior affect the demand for the basic huffy materials, for the transportation, for the banking, for the merchandise they printing the hirement of workers and deployment of resources and success of some industries and failures of others. Thus marketer must understand this. Pextension (or taste) is a concept, used in the social sciences, oddly economics. It assumes a real or imagined choice between preferences and the possibility of glaring ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, en delectationment, utility they provide. much than(prenominal) gener all(prenominal)y, it can be seen as a source of mot ivation. In cognitive sciences, individual preferences alter choice of objectives/goals.The get a line of the consumer preference non only concenteres on how and why consumers mention buying decision, just now also focuses on how and why consumers crystallise choice of the goods they buy and their evaluation of these goods after use. So for success of either company or product promotion it is very necessary to exit its concentration towards consumer preference.SCOPE OF THE believeAs nurture is a gentlemans gentleman activity and is as natural, as breathing. Despite of the fact thatlearning is all pervasive in our lives, psychologists do not agree on how learning adjudgesplace. How individuals learn is a matter of interest to marketers. They want to teachconsumers in their roles as their roles as consumers. They want consumers to learn abouttheir products, product attributes, effectiveness consumers benefit, how to use, maintain oreven dispose of the product and raw(a) slip sort of behaving that will satisfy not only theconsumers emergencys, but the marketers objectives.The scope of my study restricts itself to the analysis of consumer preferences, perception and enjoyment of Cadbury and Nestle Chocolates. There argon some other brands of chocolates open but my study is limited to two major(ip) players of chocolates leaving behind the others. The scope of my study is also restricts itself to Ambala region only.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe other objective is to know about the customer satisfaction take aim associated with the product and the customer preference level.To growing customer satisfaction and experience the market sh atomic number 18 by fulfillingthe customer needs. To study the factors affecting the consumption pattern.LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYIn attempt to make this project valid and reli equal, any possible aspect of the topicIs kept in mind. Nevertheless(prenominal), despite of fact constraints were at play during theFormul ation of this project.The main limitations are as follows antithetical wad from different places were selected for the study. The sample size of surveyed was 300.The main source of in melodic phraseation for the study was primary data with the help of questionnaires.People were cautious to reveal the true facts.COMPANY OVERVIEW OF CADBURYCadbury India is a fully owned subsidy of kraft paper prov leftfieldoverers Inc. The combination of Kraft Foods and Cadbury creates a global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery and quick meals.With annual revenues of approximately $50 billion, the blendd company is the globes jiffy largest food company, making delicious products for billions of consumers in more than 160 countries. We employ approximately 140,000 people and take in operations in more than 70 countries.Modern Cadbury FactoryIn India, Cadbury began its operations in 1948 by importing chocolates. After 60 years of existence, it today has five company-owned manufacturing fac ilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota and Chennai). The corporate office is in Mumbai.Our core purpose make today delicious captures the spirit of what we are trying to achieve as a business. We make delicious foods you can feel good about. Whether ceremonial occasion your weight or preparing to keep back, grabbing a quick bite or school term down to family night, we pour our hearts into cralimentation foods that are wholesome and delicious.Currently, Cadbury India operates in four categories viz. Chocolate Confectionery, draw Food Drinks, Candy and Gum category. In the Chocolate Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its unchallenged attractionship over the years. slightly of the key brands in India are Cadbury Dairy take out, 5 wiz, Perk, clairs and Celebrations.Cadbury enjoys a abide by market share of over 70% the highest Cadbury brand share in the world O ur billion-dollar brand Cadbury Dairy milk is considered the gold standard for chocolates in India. The pure taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the Indian consumer.In the Milk Food drinks segment our main product is Bournvita the leading Malted Food Drink (MFD) in the country. Similarly in the medicated candy category Halls is the undisputed leader. We recently entered the maunders category with the launch of our worldwide dominant bubble gum brand Bubbaloo. Bubbaloo is sold in 25 countries worldwide.Since 1965 Cadbury has also pioneered the development of deep brown cultivation in India. For over two decades, we have worked with the Kerala Agriculture University to constrict cocoa research and released clones, hybrids that improve the cocoa yield. Our Cocoa team visits farmers and rede them on the cultivation aspects from planting to harvesting. We also conduct farmers meetings seminars to educate them on Cocoa cultivation aspects. Our efforts have increased cocoa p roductivity and fey the lives of thousands of farmers. Hardly surprising then that the Cocoa tree is called the Cadbury treeToday, as a combined company with an unmatched portfolio in confectionery, snacking and quick meals, we are poised in our leap towards quantum offshoot. We are the worlds No.1 Confectionery Company. And we will stay to make today deliciousCADBURY CELABERATIONCadbury Celebrations was aimed at replacing traditional gifting options like Mithai and teetotal- fruits during snappy seasons.Cadbury Celebrations is available in several assortments An assortment of chocolates like 5 Star, Perk, Gems, Dairy Milk and Nutties and rich dry fruits enrobed in Cadbury dairy milk chocolate in 5 variants, Almond magic, raisin magic, cashew magic, nut butterscotch and caramels.The overseer premium Celebrations Rich Dry Fruit Collection which is a festive proposeing is an exotic range of chocolate covered dry fruits and fruity in various flavours and the premium dark chocol ate range which is exotic dark chocolate in luscious flavours.Cadbury Celebrations has become a prevalent brand on occasions such(prenominal) as Diwali, Rakhi, Dussera puja. It is also a major success as a corporate gifting brand. The parley is based on the emotional route and the tag line says rishte pakne do which fits with the brand purpose of distinctivenessening your relationships with something sweet.5 STARChocolate lovers for a after part of a century have indulged their taste buds with a Cadbury 5 Star. A leading knight in the Cadbury portfolio and the plunk for largest after Cadbury Dairy Milk with a market share of 14%, Cadbury 5 Star moves from strength to strength all year by increasing its user base.Launched in 1969 as a bar of chocolate that was hard outside with promiscuous caramel nougat inside, Cadbury 5 Star has re-invented itself over the years to keep consoling the consumers taste for a high quality different chocolate eating experience. unmatched of th e key properties that Cadbury 5 Star was associated with was its classic Gold colour. And by dint of the passage of time, this was one property that both, the brand and the consumer stuck to as a rich association. Cadbury 5 Star was always unique because of its format and any communication highlighting this uniqueness, went down well with the audiences. From deliciously rich, youd hate to share it in the 70s, to the lingering taste of in concertness Soft and Chewy 5 Star in the late 80s, the communication always paid homage to the product format.More recently, to give consumers another reason to come into the Cadbury 5 Star fold, Cadbury 5 Star Crunchy was launched. The same delicious Cadbury 5 Star was now available with a dash of rice crispies.Cadbury 5 Star Cadbury 5 Star Crunchy now aim to continue the upward trend. This different and delightfully rich chocolate is well poised to rule the market as an extremely successful brand.DAIRY MILKThe story of Cadbury Dairy Milk sta rted way choke in 1905 at Bournville, U.K., but the journey with chocolate lovers in India began in 1948.The pure taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk is the taste roughly Indians crave for when they think of Cadbury Dairy Milk. The variants Fruit Nut, Crackle and Roast Almond, combine the classic taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk with a garland of ingredients and are very popular amongst teens adults.Recently, Cadbury Dairy Milk Desserts was launched, specifically to cater to the incite for something sweet after meals.Cadbury Dairy Milk has exciting products on offer Cadbury Dairy Milk Wowie, chocolate with Disney characters embossed in it, and Cadbury Dairy Milk 2 in 1, a delightful combination of milk chocolate and white chocolate. Giving consumers an exciting reason to keep coming back into the fun filled world of Cadbury.Cadbury Dairy Milk has been the market leader in the chocolate category for years. And has participated and been a part of every Indians moments of happiness, joy and celebration. Today, Cadbury Dairy Milk alone holds 30% value share of the Indian chocolate market.In the early 90s, chocolates were seen as meant for kids, usually a reenfor cementum or a bribe for children. In the Mid 90s the category was re-defined by the very popular Real Taste of Life function, shifting the focus from just for kids to the kid in all of us. It appealed to the child in every adult. And Cadbury Dairy Milk became the perfect feeling of spontaneity and shared good feelings.The Real Taste of Life campaign had many memorable executions, which people still fondly remember. However, the one with the girl dancing on the play field has remained etched in everyones memory, as the most spontaneous un-inhibited expression of happiness.This campaign went on to be awarded The Campaign of the Century, in India at the Abby (Ad Club, Mumbai) awards.In the late 90s, to further expand the category, the focus shifted towards widening chocolate consumption amongst the masses, b y dint of the Khanewalon Ko Khane Ka Bahana Chahiye campaign. This campaign built social acceptance for chocolate consumption amongst adults, by showcasing collective and shared moments.More recently, the Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye campaign associated Cadbury Dairy Milk with celebratory occasions and the phrase Pappu Pass Ho Gaya became part of street language. It has been adopted by consumers and today is used extensively to express joy in a moment of achievement / success.The synergistic campaign for Pappu Pass Ho Gaya bagged a Bronze Lion at the prestigious Cannes Advertising Festival 2006 for Best use of internet and new media. The idea involved a tie-up with Reliance India Mobile service and allowed students to check their exam results utilise their mobile service and encouraged those who passed their examinations to celebrate with Cadbury Dairy Milk. cement Industry environmental ChangesCement Industry Environmental ChangesCement IndustrySummaryThis report details the way in which the cement effort shortly produces cement and outlines the reasons why it needs to be changed in order for it to have a lower less damage effect on the environment as possible.This can be achieved by implementing new procedures in the shape of manufacturing cement and also by using different materials in this treat, all of these ideas and more are currently macrocosm implemented or are being developed for implementation in the near forthcoming by the cement industry and associated partners.Terms of referenceThis report is on an area of the UK construction industry that has a nix impact on the environment. This report was undertaken and focuses on the environmental impact that the toil growth of cement has on the environment in the UK and how the bidding in manufacturing cement is changing/developing for the future.The report shows how the process of cement return was under taken and what steps have or are waiting to be implemented in the turnout of cement that will be less damaging to the UK environment.This report was created in November of 2007 for Phil Harris, referee at Wolverhampton University for Environmental Science in construction.What is Cement?Cement is the second most consumed substance in the world, and is second only to body of water consumption. A brief history of Portland cement sees that it was invented and produced in the UK in 1824 by an side bricklayer named Joseph Aspdin. He found that by Burning limestone and clay together at incredible estrus (approx than 2700 degrees Fahrenheit) it made the two minerals fuse together. Once this saucily created material was cool enough it was then aim down into a fine ash, this newly created substance could then be mixed with water and the resulting substance that when allowed to set, would be as hard as the Portland stone that gave it its name.This obligate appeared in the Guardian on Thursday May 11 2006 on p1 of the technology section.What do we use Cement for?Cement is one of the genius most important materials relied upon in the world, without cement we would not be able to build houses, roads, bridges and other familiar structures that cement products help to build. We need cement to produce cover concrete is basically a compartmentalisation of two components aggregates and paste. The paste is usually composed of Portland cement and water, and when mixed together it binds the fine and coarse aggregates together.A typical mix is about 10 to 15% cement, 60 to 75% sand/aggregate, 10 to 20% water and 5 to 8% air.The production process of cement.The manufacturing of cement is still one of the most nil consuming processes that is under taken in the world today. hardly a lot of development has and still is taking place within the cement manufacturing industry with a view to meeting the disposal targets of reducing the amount of greenhouse mess upes produced per tonne of cement manufactured.Cement is give tongue to to be one of the most environmentally h azardous materials in the world, adding more carbon dioxide to the standard atmosphere than the entire weight of the global airline industry quote from the Guardian Newspaper.Most of the stages in the manufacturing of cement have a negative impact on the environment, and this report highlights those direct and indirect effects, and how the future of cement manufacturing will continue to implement new methods of manufacturing to reduce the negative effects on the environment.The first stage in manufacturing cement is to obtain the raw materials from a quarry the raw materials are then dispirited usually 2 or 3 times to approx 3 or less and then fed into a kiln in a dry state. The raw materials are then heated up to approx 2700 degrees F in large steel rotary cylinder, which is lined with a special heat resistant brick. Kilns are usually at least 12 feet in diameter and mounted on a slight incline. The finely ground raw material is then fed into the higher end of the kiln and at th e lower end you have a roaring flame being applied and controlled very precisely, usually produced by coal, oil or gas with a controlled amount of forced draft.As the process flow continues through the kiln gas elements are burned off and the remaining elements form a new substance called a clinker these are in the form of dinky marble type shapes.Clinkers are discharged from the lower end of the kiln and brought down to a manageable temperature by means of various types of coolers. The coolers do however at this stage help towards reducing Co2 emissions by saving fuel by returning the hot air emitted from the temperature reduction clinkers back into the cylindrical kiln as part of the controlled air used to beget the flame used.Co2 emissions and cement productionWhat is Co2?Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas that makes up a minor part of the farmings atmosphere approximately three parts in 10,000. It is organise in the decay of materials, the respiration of plant and animal l ife, and the natural and human-induced conflagration of carbon-based materials and fuels. Quote from Ecosmartconcrete.comWhat is the role of Co2 in the Earths atmosphere?Carbon dioxide is one of a number of naturally occurring greenhouse gases (others accept water vapour, methane, and nitrous oxide) that keep the Earth warm enough to book life. These gas molecules absorb much of the suns energy that is re-radiated by the Earths surface, and reflect this energy back to the Earth as heat. The gas molecules function like an insulating blanket, or like glass panes of a greenhouse, transmitting sunlight but holding in heat because the term greenhouse gases. Quote from Ecosmartconcrete.comThe link between cement production and Co2 production is quite apparent as studies have been carried out by scientists who have concluded that there are a variety of human activities that are producing greenhouse gases such as Co2.One such activity is the production of cement which is one of the mai n contributors to the greenhouse effect due to the high amount of Co2 being produced during manufacturing. The traditional Portland cement based concrete is the UKs backbone of the built environment and production of this cement is needed to keep up with the rapid population growth which in turn then leads to an increase in production of cement. This is due partly to an increase in the housing requirements of the public and associated buildings that are required by the general public to sustain a comfortable life style.ConclusionWhat is required within the cement manufacturing industry are some lower energy consuming cements that give of less carbon emissions during manufacturing to be developed and take over where the traditional cements left off. If this cannot be done then the negative effects that are currently damaging the environment will only continue to develop and have greater detrimental effect on the planet.There are a number of developing technologies coming through at t he moment and these are produced using various different materials for use in the building industry. One of these new products is called Ceramicrete which is a lighter foam-based concrete which according to there makers is twice as strong as the concretes we currently use so builders use less of it hence the check it is for the environment The only negatives known about this new product is that it is more expensive than traditional concrete and it needs to be subjected to further interrogatory to establish its long-term structural suitability and environmental effect before it can be promoted on a wider scale.There are a number of other cements currently in production that are also worth exploring as they are less energy hooklike during manufacturing and emit less carbon dioxide than traditional Portland cement these are milligram oxide-based cementsCSA-belite cementsEco-cements based on municipal solid untamed incinerator ash. magnesium oxide-based cementsMagnesium oxide based cements are quite a recent development in such that they havent been mass produced and have only had small commercial quantities made to produce non structural products such as concrete bricks, blocks and pavers.The magnesium oxide is produced by heating magnesium carbonate as a mineral magnesite, to a temperature of around 650 C. A quantity of carbonic acid gas is given up off during this process.In comparison, Portland cement which is based on calcium oxide and has to be produced by firstly heating calcium carbonate (limestone) to approx 900 C, again with carbon dioxide as a by product.At this stage in the process, the quantity of carbon dioxide released is less than that from an equivalent mass of magnesium carbonate but the calcium oxide, plus other ingredients then has to be heated to 1450 C to produce the final product a clinker. This other process is accompanied by more CO2 being emitted during the whole process, with the resulting CO2 being much greater than that emitted during the production of the same quantity of magnesite.So at first glance magnesium oxide-based cements look like a better solution than continuing with Portland cement manufacturing in the UK but in practice manufacture is dependent on the availability of the basic raw material and its proximity to a production facility but alas the raw material found in abundance in mainland Australia and Tasmania, is very rare in the UK where there are no significant deposits in UK suitable.Therefore, as a minimum, there would be a significant increase in traffic movements required to transport the raw material to brisk kilns, with consequent environmental impacts.CSA-belite cementsThis type of cement has been successfully used on industrial scale throughout china for about 20 years it is made by heating/sintering industrial wastes such as coal fly ash, gypsum and limestone at 1200 1250C in rotary kilnsCompared with Portland cement the energy savings are quoted as being approx as high as 25% , along with limestone reductions of 60 % together with a reduction in CO2 emissions of approx 20%.At first glance, CSA-belite cements could be manufactured in the UK, as there is no technical process or render issues to be dealt with in regards of their production. However, much applied research and many buffer zone studies would be needed to verify that local materials and existing plant could produce consistent high quality product before manufacturers in the UK would take it on.Eco-cements based on municipal solid waste incinerator ashEco-cements are currently being manufactured in Japan, they are based on the traditional Portland cement in as such that they are graceful in much the same way as traditional Portland cement but approx 50% of the content has been replaced by municipal solid waste incinerator ash (MSWIA), and the fossil-fuels used for heating purposes have been replaced by waste products such as oil and non recyclable plastics.MSWIA eco-cement use less energy as well as clinkering takes place at 1350C as apposed to 1450C.But for a few exceptions eco-cements are virtually indistinguishable from Portland cement and whence have very much the same properties, performance.There would seem to be no obvious technical barriers to production in the UK. However, manufacture would be dependent on the availability of MSWIA and its location to existing cement works. Currently, this is in short and irregular supply in the UK but even if this were not to be the case, public perception issues might arise about the process of manufacturing, so the likelihood of producing a familiar Portland cement by this process is at present very unlikely.References BibliographyBCA British cement Association, Carbon strategy (2005) online.http// British cement Association, cement (no date) online.http// British cement Association, concrete (no date) online.http// British cement Association, Sustainable Development Task Force Report (2005) online.http// British cement Association, Sustainable Development Task Force Report (2005) online.http//, G, C. (1999) Portland Cement Composition, Production and Properties 2Rev Ed edition. Thomas Telford LtdDodson, S. (11th May 2006) A cracking alternative to cement. The Guardian Newspaper, p1.http//, cement production and the CO2 challenge (no date) online.http//, CO2 emissions (no date) online.http//, S. Hurst, M. Skarratt, G. (2007) Construction Building Services Engineering wel l-behaved Engineering. Scotprint, Haddington, Scotland, UK
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